Monthly training session: Building rich interactions

By Kasper Spiro

Learners don’t always want to sit through a formal training course. Often, they have neither time nor patience to be on the receiving end of a lengthy training monologue. For you as a learning professional, the question then remains how to create interactive e-learning modules which actively encourage participation and stickiness.

rich interactions

Making your e-learning modules more engaging

This blog summarizes the key points from our webinar on building rich interactions, that are key to engaging your audience.

Learners don’t always want to sit through a formal training course. Often, they have neither time nor patience to be on the receiving end of a lengthy training monologue.

Interactive e-learning courses, on the other hand, make the learning process much more fun and engaging for your employees – while at the same time maximizing their learning outcomes.

For you as a learning professional, the question then remains how to create interactive e-learning modules which actively encourage participation and stickiness.

During the webinar, we showed how you can do that by using so-called rich interactions. In particular, we discussed:

  • Simple methods for making your courses as engaging as possible;
  • Free and intuitive platforms which you can pair with Easygenerator;
  • Effective ways to build rich interactions without the need for advanced instructional design knowledge.

Audience Response – testimonial

“Thank you for offering a great session today on interactive e-learning modules. Some of the suggestions and tools you used really opened the door to best practices by using the HTML block. I’ve already received a number of positive messages, questions and feedback from some of our users as a result.”

Danielle Walker, Learning & Design Consultant, The Nielsen Company

Learning outcomes

  • How to embed engaging quizzes, flashcards, and surveys into your modules by using Google Forms and Quizlet;
  • How to put in place interactive boards with Padlet;
  • How to add videos and PowerPoint presentations by using HiHaHo and Powtoon.

Featured questions

Below are a number of questions asked by previous webinar participants, along with our response.

  • Question: “Using Powtoon, how long did it take you to create the example you see in the recording?”
    Answer: “Thanks to Powtoon’s templates and ready-made avatars, it took us less than half an hour.”
  • Question: “Is it possible to see the results of our embedded enhancements in Quizlet somewhere?” Answer: “Yes indeed. You’ll be able to see those in Quizlet.”
  • Question: “Are there any free add-ons?”
    Answer: “Yes. All these tools have great free versions available.”

Watch webinar

You can watch the webinar on building rich interactions in Easygenerator below:

YouTube video

Or complete our course on building rich interactions in Easygenerator:

As ever, if you have any questions or suggestions about using Easygenerator, or about creating interactive courses, feel free to get in touch with us via our chat.

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About the author

Kasper Spiro is the CEO of Easygenerator and a recognized thought leader in the world of e-learning. With over 30 years of experience, he is a frequently asked keynote speaker and well-renowned blogger within the e-learning community.