Monthly training session: Course reviews

By Kasper Spiro

In our December 2018 monthly training session, we asked our customers to send in their courses to be reviewed by our e-learning experts. We picked three submissions for a live course review during the session.

course reviews

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Jack Strandmark, an e-learning specialist at Electrolux, kicked off the session. He submitted a course about induction hobs, designed to train in-store personnel about the unique features of this product. The key was keeping courses short and precise, while still providing a complete overview. Our answer: “create bite-sized learning modules.” Our e-learning specialist elaborated on how learners naturally tend to scan pages rather than reading them. Presenting information in small pieces lets learners quickly consume knowledge and grasp concepts.”Bite-size, is the right size!”


Next up was Prof. H. Bell, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean at LECOM School of Pharmacy. The course that was up for review teaches students about empathy and its impact on clinical care. Hershey turned to our team for help as he wanted to know how he could ensure that students retained the knowledge gained during the course. Although his course was nearly perfect, there was one thing missing: it lacked a clear wrap-up page that reminds students what they learned during the course. A clear wrap-up page gives students a sense of accomplishment. It’s also a great way to reflect and connect the knowledge learned during the course and make it stick!

De’Longhi Group

Rounding up the session, we got to meet Gareth Griffiths, Product Training Specialist at De’Longhi Group. He submitted a course on behalf of Caroline Watson, Global consumer experience manager. The course intended to offer store personnel basic insights into the types of coffee and coffee machines available to the consumer. Gareth, who has a marketing-oriented background, was also very interested in hearing more about learning objectives and how to create didactically sound courses. Learning objectives are a must-have for any course because they show whether learners have achieved the objective of the course. This makes them the backbone of a structured, efficient course. During the session, we saw how adding learning objectives to a course like Gareth’s can greatly improve the quality of the course.

Improving the e-learning experience

E-learning can be challenging, but after this session, it was clear that most users are already well on their way to becoming experts at creating a solid learning experience. Easygenerator gives them the tools and confidence they need to start creating and sharing their knowledge.

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About the author

Kasper Spiro is the Co-founder and Chief learning strategist of Easygenerator and a recognized thought leader in the world of e-learning. With over 30 years of experience, he is a frequently asked keynote speaker and well-renowned blogger within the e-learning community.