Ready-made e-learning templates for your team

Engage your learners with templates created by training experts

Explore hundreds of e-learning templates in 7 languages
Kickstart your team's e-learning development with our free collection of e-learning templates. Whether you need a microlearning module or a full course, you’ll find the perfect template to meet your needs.
Optimize your content with AI in a few clicks
Don’t stress about language or structure—just write, and EasyAI will refine it! Generate ideas, improve your text, summarize content, and create challenging questions to ensure knowledge retention.
Access millions of high-quality images from our free library
Enrich your course with eye-catching visuals that complement your content. Type what you're looking for and choose from our extensive library of royalty-free images.
Customize the design to match your branding
Add your brand’s logo, colors, and fonts to our templates to make the design uniquely yours. Save your settings for quick use by everyone in your company. Ensure consistent, on-brand courses from all authors across all teams.
Experience the fastest way to share your knowledge
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