Maintenance and quality assurance: letting employees own and maintain content

By Videhi Bhamidi

Keeping Employee-generated Learning (EGL) relevant and up-to-date can be a challenge. But by empowering authors themselves to take ownership of revising and updating the content they created, you can make this process much smoother.

maintenance and quality assurance

Our advice is to appoint one subject matter expert (SME) to oversee a team of co-authors who are then jointly responsible for collecting feedback and updating content as a result of that feedback. This means accountability for keeping the content relevant is always shared across a team.

You may also want to consider adding an L&D representative to that team to make sure all content is fully aligned with the organization’s wider training and business goals.

EGL provides a great solution for addressing some of the modern-day L&D challenges. But for EGL to blossom, L&D managers need to let go of the desire to produce content themselves and, instead, empower their employees to do so.

Unlock a culture of knowledge sharing

Speed up the circulation of knowledge in your organization by enabling employees to create content themselves.

You can start by:

  1. Providing SMEs with the right tools to start generating content
  2. Limiting your role in overseeing the process while letting SMEs create the content themselves

Here’s how Easygenerator can support you with that:

Quality assurance

Quality assurance is an important part of the maintenance process and will guarantee the content’s longevity. Easygenerator has a number of monitoring functions specifically designed for tracking learner performance and course quality, which include:

Gradebook and engagement metrics. These allow administrators to track individual performance and analyze the quality of test questions.

Learner feedback. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a simple built-in survey which evaluates how learners respond to content. It also lets them share their views about the quality of the course.

Maintenance activity

Maintenance activities are typically managed through a Learning Management System (LMS) through which courses can be generated, distributed and monitored.

The usefulness of these LMS systems is often hampered by their sheer complexity and the vast number of functionalities. This can make the implementation of most LMS systems resource-heavy and expensive.

Easygenerator provides a much simpler maintenance system which is centered around three core elements:

Creating courses and quizzes

A minimalist and easy-to-use authoring tool with a drop-and-drag interface which is easy to use.

Sharing courses and quizzes

Sharing a link or embedding a course or a quiz on your website is simple. Easygenerator allows you to do this for FREE and offers plenty of flexibility.

Tracking and tracing results

Easygenerator automatically tracks all learner results and allows you to report directly via the software or a custom LRS at no extra charge. You can also set up webhooks linked to other apps and platforms which provide real-time automated messages about your learners’ progress.

Does that mean I no longer need an LMS?

The answer to that question really depends on your needs. An LMS usually offers a wider range of functionalities than Easygenerator does. The best way to find out whether you require those extra functionalities is by trying out Easygenerator first.

Our software supports the easy transfer of data to an LMS later on. Additional services can also be added later – should you feel the need to do so.

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About the author

Videhi Bhamidi is a Learning Product Consultant at Easygenerator. With over 15 years of experience in e-learning, user-experience research, and thought-leadership projects, she is a regular contributor to L&D magazines. She is an Oxford alumnus and strives to fuse design, research, technology, and didactics in her solutions.